Underground vs Above-Ground Water Tanks: The Pros and Cons of Each

Adding a water tank to any property is a great idea, but you'll need to choose the best type to suit your needs. Probably the most important decision you'll need to make is whether to opt for an above-ground tank or an underground tank, also referred to as an 'in-ground tank'.

There's really no right choice when it comes to water tanks; you simply have to take you own needs into account. If you'd like to help yourself make the right decision, just consider the pros and cons of each option.

The Pros and Cons of Underground Water Tanks

Probably the most compelling reason to fit an underground water tank is that nobody will even know that you have one. Though some piping may be visible, underground tanks don't really take up any of your outside space. That means you can enjoy that space more easily, and many people dislike the look of having a large tank sitting on their property.

Underground tanks are also protected from the heat and the cold, so they can be trusted to maintain a steady temperature throughout the year, and they are less likely to be a victim of vandalism or damaged by adverse weather conditions, such as hurricanes.

However, underground tanks do come with a number of disadvantages, with the most important usually being cost. You'll need to spend more for excavation, and underground tanks need to be heavily reinforced. You'll also have to pay for a pumping system. Additionally, it can be tough to tell if there are any cracks in your tank, and some types of soil, such as soil with a high clay content, can be unsuitable.

The Pros and Cons of Above-Ground Water Tanks

Above-ground tanks are significantly less expensive than underground tanks and they require much less work during the installation stage. Once they have been fitted, you will be able to easily maintain them and quickly ascertain whether any cracks or other types of damage have developed. You can also use their appearance to your advantage; properly camouflaged, they can work well with your property's styling, and it can be beneficial for business addresses to openly display their eco-friendly credentials.

Of course, above-ground tanks are more likely to be damaged by storms, vandalism or simply due to accidents. They can also freeze during winter and get extremely hot during summer, and you'll often find that above-ground tanks tend to be smaller. For these reasons, they are usually better for properties that are never going to actually need the stored water for some vital purpose.
