Why Buy a Farm Rainwater Tank With a Water Level Gauge?
While all rainwater tanks collect water, some tanks have more useful features or accessories than others. If you're looking to put a larger tank on your farm, say to irrigate fields or to water livestock, then there are some features that will make your working life easier.
For example, it's worth considering buying a tank that comes with a fitted water level gauge or fitting this accessory to a plain tank. How do these gauges work and why are they so handy?
How Do Water Level Gauges Work?
Rainwater water level gauges fix on to the side of the tank. At a basic level, these gauges use a float system to measure the water levels in the tank.
So, the float mechanism sits inside the tank while the gauge itself sits on the outside. As the water levels increase or decrease, the interior float changes position — it rises or falls. As it moves, the gauge's needle moves in its dial. This gives you an indication of how much or how little water is stored in the tank at any given time.
Why Install a Water Level Gauge?
If you're installing a medium or large tank, then it might be hard to assess exactly how much water the tank holds. If the tank is too large for you to reach the lid or hatch on the roof from the ground, then you'll need to go up a ladder to get access to an opening.
Even if you have a smaller tank that you can access from ground level, you don't want to be opening it up any more than you have to. An open covering, roof or hatch could encourage pests and insects like mosquitoes to go into the tank where they might contaminate the water.
If your tank has a water level gauge, then things get a lot easier for you. You simply need to read the dial from the side of the tank to work out how much water is in there. This could also help with your planning. For example, if you notice that your water levels are running low, then you can plan ahead to use a different water source for urgent work. You don't need to run out of water again at inconvenient times.
To find out more about water level gauges and other features you might find useful on your farm's tank, contact rainwater tanks suppliers. If you're thinking about getting a rainwater tank, reach out to a professional to learn more.